Saturday, February 2, 2013

Politics: 2013 Critical for Europe

Excerpted by SUMPURA Management Consultancy from Startfor

Taken as a single geographic entity, Europe has the largest economy in the world. Should it choose to do so, it could become a military rival to the United States. Europe is one of the pillars of the global system, and what happens to Europe is going to define how the world works and in 2013 we will begin to get clarity on the future of Europe. The question is whether the European Union will stabilize itself, stop its fragmentation and begin preparing for more integration and expansion. Alternatively, the tensions could intensify within the European Union, the institutions could further lose legitimacy and its component states could increase the pace with which they pursue their own policies, both domestic and foreign.

It has been more than four years since the crisis of 2008 generated a sovereign debt and banking crisis that has turned to an economic crisis in Europe, moving into recession and unemployment across the Continent. If you divide EU into three parts based on unemployment: 1) five EU states significantly below the US rate of unemployment (Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands and Malta) 2) seven countries with unemployment around the U.S. rate of 7.7% (Romania, Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the United Kingdom and Sweden), and 3) remaining 15 states are above U.S. unemployment levels; 11 have unemployment rates between 10 and 17 percent, incl France (10.7%), Italy (11.1%), Ireland (14.7%) and Portugal (16.3%). Two others are staggeringly higher -- Greece at 25.4% and Spain at 26.2%. These levels are close to the unemployment rate in the United States at the height of the Great Depression.

Bear in mind that the unemployment rate goes up for younger workers. In Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece, more than a third of the workforce under 25 is reportedly unemployed. It will take a generation to bring the rate down to an acceptable level in Spain and Greece. Even for countries that remain at about 10 percent for an extended period of time, the length of time will be substantial, and Europe is still in a recession. It also creates unrooted young people full of energy and anger. Unemployment is a root of anti-state movements on the left and the right. The extended and hopelessly unemployed have little to lose and think they have something to gain by destabilizing the state. It is hard to quantify what level of unemployment breeds that sort of unrest, but there is no doubt that Spain and Greece are in that zone and that others might be. Full enormity of EU’s unemployment situation has not yet sunk in, nor the fact that this kind of unemployment problem is not fixed quickly. It is deeply structural. The U.S. unemployment rate during the Great Depression was mitigated to a limited degree by the New Deal but required the restructuring of World War II to really address.

The European Union has been so focused on the financial crisis that it is not clear to me that the unemployment reality has reached Europe's officials and bureaucrats, partly because of a growing split in the worldview of the European elites and those whose experience of Europe has turned bitter. Partly, it has been caused by the fact of geography. The countries with low unemployment tend to be in Northern Europe, which is the heart of the European Union, while those with catastrophically high unemployment are on the periphery. It is easy to ignore things far away. Fabric of EU is not old enough, worn enough or tough enough to face the challenges. And since the core promise of the European Union was prosperity, the failure to deliver that prosperity -- and the delivery of poverty instead, unevenly distributed -- is not sustainable. If Europe is in crisis, the world's largest economy is in crisis, political as well as financial. And that matters to the world perhaps more than anything else.

This is why 2013 is a critical year for Europe, and for the world.

(Excerpted by SUMPURA from Startfor

Sourcing: Moving On From BRICS to CIVETS

Ten years after Brazil, Russia, India and China were dubbed the BRICs, any early mover advantage for investing in them has long gone. But lovers of acronyms will be relieved to learn the latest investment theme claiming to steal a march on emerging markets also has a catchy name
The CIVETS group of countries—Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa—are being touted as the next generation of tiger economies, even if they are named after a rather more shy and retiring feline. They all have large, young populations, with an average age of 27. This, or so the theory goes, means the countries that make up CIVETS will benefit from fast-rising domestic consumption. They are also all fast-growing, relatively diverse economies, which means, unlike the BRICs, they should be less heavily dependent on external demand
Early numbers suggest that while Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa make strange bedfellows, CIVETS investors could prosper. Although it was only established in 2007, the S&P CIVETS 60 index is ahead of the S&P BRIC 40 and S&P Emerging BMI over one and three years. While investing in acronyms is not always the most sensible approach, it seems the CIVETS might just pay off

Colombia is emerging as an attractive destination for investors as it works to distance itself from its troubled past. Elected in 2010, President Juan Manuel Santos has continued the center-right policies of former President Alvaro Uribe, prioritizing security and attracting overseas investors. With a population of 46 million, Colombia has substantial oil, coal and natural gas deposits. Other industries include textiles, coffee, nickel and emeralds.
The world's fourth-most populous nation, Indonesia's massive domestic consumer market helped it weather the global financial crisis better than most. Turning in a GDP growth rate of 4.5% in 2009, it bounced back above the 6% mark the following year and is predicted to stay there for the next few years at least. With the lowest unit labor costs in the Asia-Pacific region and a government ambitious to emerge as a credible manufacturing hub it is no surprise some analysts see this country of 240 million people as the next BRIC.
Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world for the past 20 years, with the World Bank projecting 6% GDP growth this year rising to 7.2% in 2013. Its population of 90 million and proximity to China have led some analysts to describe it as a potential new manufacturing hub. Cynics suggest Vietnam is better viewed as a holiday destination than an investment opportunity and it is only included within the CIVETS to make the acronym work.
Revolution may have put the brakes on the Egyptian economy for the moment, but analysts expect it to regain its growth trajectory as soon as political stability returns. The World Bank is predicting growth of just 1% this year as a consequence of Egypt's part in the Arab Spring. That compares to 5.2% last year and pre-recession levels of 7% or more. But whenever normal business is resumed, Egypt will be in a position to capitalize on its many advantages.
Located between Europe and major energy producers in the Middle East, Caspian Sea and Russia, Turkey's growth prospects look strong. The World Bank expects GDP growth of 6.1% this year, falling back to 5.3% in 2013. That said, its economy contracted 4.7% in 2009, revealing its vulnerability to external shocks. Turkey has relatively few natural resources of its own, but it has a diversified economy as well as major natural gas pipeline projects which make it an important energy corridor between Europe and Central Asia.
South Africa
Already the most developed country on the continent by a long way, South Africa has become a diversified economy, being rich in resources like gold and platinum and also attracting manufacturing investment. Rising commodity prices, renewed demand in its automotive and chemical industries and spending on the World Cup have helped South Africa back into growth after it slipped into recession during the global economic downturn. Developed world-standard financial, legal and accounting institutions mean corporate governance is of as high a standard in South Africa as in any other emerging market country. They also make the country a gateway to investment into the rest of Africa.

excerpted by SUMPURA Management Consultancy from WSJ